come fly with us

Flight Instruction

If you are interested in learning to fly, the sky is the limit.  You can use our aircraft to go from zero experience all the way up to commercial instrument pilot.  You can even get your flight instructor certificate and start getting paid to fly.   Whether you want to pursue a career in the airlines or just want to get your private pilot license, you can do it all with CC Aero Services.  We work with serveral local flight instructors who teach in our aircraft.  Contact me today (look below for my contact info) and start your journey.

Introductory Flights

So, I want to become a pilot.  How do I get started?  The best place to start is to book an introductory flight lesson.  There is no commitment and nothing you need to bring with you but curiosity.

Pictured Left is a young mom who came out with her family for an introductory lesson.

Sightseeing Flights

Have you ever wanted to go for a scenic ride in a plane?  Come out for a sightseeing flight and get a whole new perspecive of the world as viewed from the sky.  For as little as $150 we can take you over your house or further away. 

Pictured to the left: San Jacinto Battleground Memorial Site near Houston, a sunset near Palestine, TX and Port Aransas Beach

Aircraft Rental

Are you a rated Pilot?  You can rent our aircraft for flying lessons or or even take the plane overnight.  Currently we offer an IFR Certified Cherokee 180 with fully updated panel capable of ILS and RNAV LPV Approaches.  We offer this plane on a DRY RATE* of $135 per hour ($125 when purchasing a 10 hour block).  

*Rental with dry rate obligates renters to put fuel in the plane at their own expense.


In 1996 I began flight training at a small local airport.  I began attending a university aviation program in hopes of becoming an airline pilot.   In 2001 I earned my bachelor's degree in Professional Aviation.  I worked as a flight instructor, charter pilot and aerial survey pilot before landing my first airline job in 2004 with a reputable regional airline.  I flew as First Officer on the CRJ700 and later as Captain and Line Check Airman on the EMB-145.  I also worked in pilot recruitment for three years at the airline where I evaluated and interviewed hundreds of pilots being considered for employment.  In 2015 I was hired at a legacy carrier where I flew the Airbus and 737 as First Officer.  Today I am a Captain on the 737.  In February 2022 I bought N7933N and started CC Aero Services.  This Piper Cherokee 180 has been generously updated and meticulously maintained.  Come fly with us.

-Craig Cornell


Contact Us:

Phone 972-505-8006
